
Currently living in Mauritius where I work as an Engineering Lead at MCB. Views are my own.

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About this blog

This blog was created using Hexo with the Ayer template. It’s hosted using GitHub Pages.

I started with this list of requirements:

  • No database. I’m too old to have a pet database.
  • Git-based. Version control.
  • Portable. I want to be able to move to another platform or self-host.
  • Uses Markdown.
  • Minimal Admin. A quick glance at my timeline will show you how sporadically I post. I do not want to spend more time on admin than I do writing.

I looked at a bunch of tools including Jekyll and Gatsby and whilst they both seemed very capable they also felt like overkill for someone who can go for years without posting.

  • Copyright: Copyright is owned by the author. For commercial reprints, please contact the author for authorization. For non-commercial reprints, please indicate the source.
  • Copyrights © 2015-2024 Nick Mckenzie

